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Sergi sergism77
Interdisciplinary artist, forest beekeeper, and eco-driven technologist building mycelium-inspired, decentralized data ecosystems.

@Seigr-lab Oslo

Ingolf Løken ingolf1

Digitalia AS Hønefoss, Norway

Petter H. Juliussen petterhj

Oslo kommune Oslo, Norway

Eduardo Rabelo oieduardorabelo

Auckland - NZ

Jonas jonasmomo

Cloudberries Oslo

Benny Hoang BennyHoang

Oslo kommune - Origo Norway

Jonas Lindevall jonaashl
Fullstack developer

Oslo, Norway

Mrunal Waykos mkos11
I remember I was here not because the way in front of me, but the way behind me. There is no such thing as - I can't, as long as I want to.

Freelancer Pune, India

Ola Fjeld Kristensen offroadgamer

Utvkilings- og Kompetanseetaten Oslo, Norge

Elvin Baloku Elvinos33
Developer from Oslo, Norway.

@vgno Oslo

Madeleine Lorås Madelelo

Elvebakken Oslo, Norway

Herman Bremnes bernes1
Likes to code and play CTF


Yngvar Kristiansen yngvark

Oslo Kommune Oslo, Norway

Chris Fowler cfowlerdev
Founder of


Øyvind Tomren oyvito
chief advisor - department of finance - municipality of Oslo


Fanny Øverbø Næss FannyNaess
M. Sc. Industrial Mathematics at NTNU. Interested in statistical learning, deep learning and statistical inference.

NTNU Norway

Santosh Sahoo toshsan
Chief Architect

CircleHD San francisco

frankdahle frankdahle
senior ux designer

Itera Norge as Oslo

Sindre Bøyum boyum

@tietoevry-create Bergen, Norway