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Miku Nya prprnya

@emptysekai Empty SEKAI

Michael Knap mknap
I like solving problems and puzzles. I teach Mathematics at a Community College.

Nashville State Community College Tennessee

Aiden Taylor Aidenwjt
Master's Student @ University of Calgary

University of Calgary Calgary

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Suthira de Silva suthidesilva
I am an AI / LLM Researcher at the College of Idaho, where I conduct independent studies on integrating large language models with microcontrollers and Arduino.

YoteSwap | The College of Idaho Caldwell, Idaho, USA.

Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Corey Cresythe
I make random stuff. Help me
Erich ejauch

Westminster College (Missouri)

Randy Macdonald RandyCHS
Computer Science Teacher @ Corvallis High School

Corvallis, OR

Abdo Eid abdoei
CSE grad


Tristan Timpers tristantimp
BS, Liberal Arts and Sciences (Smart Technologies) MSc, Artificial Intelligence


Single place for cloud admin


Peter Kootsookos kootsoop
Oz/Irish/US engineer, currently living in the USA. Married, one dog, one cat, two kids, and three passports.

Teeny Tiny Apps LLC Connecticut, USA

Omur Ugur bear-polar

Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey

magazinkrisso 13inccc

[email protected] sofia

Natasha Mattson natashamm

UBC CS Vancouver ☂

Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Mehver | 这水怎么没味儿啊 Mehver
Studying CSE at Michigan State University, project-based learner. [email protected]

Michigan State University, Undergraduate Michigan, USA / Shenzhen, China

Dave Riegert driegert

Trent University Peterborough

Like you, I exist in the datastream

The Wired

Abdulmalik Elmahgiubi a0e


Keion notKeion
a one liner a day keeps the clutter away.

The College of Idaho Caldwell, ID

Albir Tarsha mtsafe
Full Stack Developer. Formerly senior unix systems admin and unix programmer. {2023: Monsters of Code!}
Maciej Milowicki mmilowicki
Second-year graduate student at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in software development.

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Jess Vriesema jvriesem
I am a computational physicist specializing in numerical simulations of electrodynamics in the atmospheres of giant planets.

Calvin University Grand Rapids, MI

Ben Huang benhuangbmj
Mathematician/educator based in central PA, US. Self-taught developer interested in open source software and open education.