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MadBananaBrands MadBananaUnionDAO
Banana Brainz on the Blockchain making Banana Brands, incubating Businesses, constructing digital infrastructure for the Metaverse's first true UNION. Plugin.

Mad Banana Union BlockChainWorld - Metaverse UnderGround

Nguyen Phi Truong truongnguyenptn
I'm a tech lover, I'm always push my self to the next level. I have skill in web development including frontend, backend, managing VPS and cloud.

Enouvo IT Solutions Danang

Võ Văn Phúc vphucvo

PLPSOFT Vĩnh Long, Việt Nam

CoCo.DiamondDev CoCo-27
It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.


Helios_Chen Ccct
Life is simple and just be happy!


BuddhirajSahu buddhiraz
I am a intuition-driven thinker....writing code .. learning system design, web3 stuff and LLM based ChatBots. #Backend #GenAI #Blockchain


oh well, i fancy web3. Telegram: @TheMostJOMO
Matheesha MatheeshaMe
Turning coffee into smart contracts since 2021 🔐♢


Decentralization, FOSS, growth, strategy & more
David Dada DADADAVE80
Mobile App Developer | Web3 | e\acc
Prince This-Is-Prince
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Punjab India



Andrei Silviu Dragnea andreisilviudragnea
🦀 Senior Rust Software Engineer • Contractor • Freelancer | Using Rust to build highly scalable web apps

Bucharest, Romania

Elizabeth Lui elihylui
Blockchain Engineer based in London :)

London, United Kingdom

Gkoran Stoilkovits maxbyz
Gkoran Stoilkovits-Visual Artist who make paintings, sculptures, byzantine icons, printmaking. Enthusiastic about coding and self-taught, amateur programmer 😊

Atelier Stoilkovits Porto Heli, GREECE

Jakub nxm
wannabe researcher

NixCode Earth

hyj 1023198294
Blockchain/Java/Golang/Robotics/Machine Learning/Software Engineering

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Guangzhou, China

HuyHuynh huyhuynh3103
Crafting smart contracts

Viet Nam

Samuel Ojietohamen seekersoftec
Software Engineer -> Deep Learning || Other interests include Data Compression, Blockchain/web3(Bitcoin), and Cyber Sec.

seekersoftec Earth

almas strongfist
3 years java


Andrew Bednoff andrcmdr
Software Developer (Rust), DevOps engineer, FLOSS & GNU/Linux adept, Gentoo/Void/Debian/Arch enthusiast, Bash/Julia/Python/Ruby scripting, working remotely

FLOSS, CloudMesh, OpenMesh, CodEx far Future, another Universe

Moe mtoub
In Code we trust...


Drew McArthur DrewMcArthur

Mathematica Policy Research CO

Alex Bezrukov anabiozz
Golang developer


DNL yeahbutstill
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast 🍃

FreeDOOM! Depok, Indonesia

Moidore Labs jacobpeterthomsen
Making a digital version of the historical gold Portuguese-style coin known as the moidore or moydore

Moidore Labs Internet

Deepak Khatri lorforlinux
Upside Down Labs

Upside Down Labs New Delhi, India