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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Emerson Felipe emersonfelipesp
👨‍💻 Software Development & Opensource & @N-Multifibra & @netdevopsbr (NetDevOps Brazil) & @netbox-community contributor

@N-Multifibra Cotia - São Paulo, Brazil

Andre Pretto prettoandre
Data Engineer ( Clickhouse | kafka | Airflow ) & Software engineer

Porto Alegre - RS , Brasil

Rick Bowen rrrix
Hacking on zsh, K8s, Go & GCP. Linux grey-beard (sans beard). I really like DevOps, Security and 10GbE.

Palo Alto Networks Saratoga, CA

Renato Foot Guimarães Costallat Costallat

Daitan/Encora Campinas - SP, Brasil

Alex Moura asmoura

KAUST KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Allison Turner Allison-Turner
computer nerd && devotee of mother anarchy

San Diego, CA

Luiz Henrique Pegoraro lpegoraro
I like coding.

Encora Campinas