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Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance. ❤️

Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

Showkatul Islam Shovon shov0n-mux
Just hanging aroung 👍

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Monesh Venkul Vommi moneshvenkul
🚀 Senior Full Stack Developer | Vue.js 🎨 React ⚛️ Angular 🅰️ Node.js 🌐 Python 🐍 Django | Java Spring Boot ☕ TypeScript 📜 SQL & NoSQL 💾 | Microservices

Capital One New Haven, Connecticut

William FS williamjayjay
🇧🇷 Driven by a passion for continuous learning, I aim to foster positive change through impactful technological innovation.

Open for Hire Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Sayo wtfsayo
The ticker is $ai16z


Majid Ahmadi Jebeli Majidahmadi
Full Stack Developer @RingoApp

ITpaz Iran

HUAN CAPITAL nguyenvanhuan243
Zalo: 0963.926.643

Viet Nam

Mary Kniffin GalacticPlastic

@ValleyForgeFabrics Fort Lauderdale, FL

Paulo Victor Gomes pvgomes
Software Engineering Manager by profession, software engineer by passion

@brazanation @nubank Berlin - DE

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Wayne WayneKim92
React Native App developer 🍀

HYBE BINARY Seoul, South Korea

jamilxt jamilxt

Brain Station 23 Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Super_Mtiifu mahmudhaji
Student in Bachelor of Information Technology and Application Managent (BITAM)||| Software Developer


Benjamin Maziku Mashimba benny-png
Python geek </>, polymath🤓, Computer Vision and ML practitioner👨🏻‍💻, Scientist🧪, Marvel fan 🕷... For the love of science and Tech! 🚀

UDSM 3D Robotics Lab Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA

Ashraz Rashid AshrazRashid
Experienced Senior Software Engineer | 7+ Years of Mastery in React Native, JavaScript, Node.js, C#, .NET & More!


Pawel Milek pawelmilek
iOS App Developer. Working with Swift, SwiftUI. Code Review enthusiast. Exploring new Apple's frameworks.

Chicago, IL

Samer Tallauze samertall
Proud Lead UI/UX/CX Engineer | Project Manager | Art Director | Expertise in UI, UX, SEO, and Front-End Development | Leadership and Collaboration 🥇 ███████

SamerTallauze Amman, Jordan

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Dennis Wanja Lilytreasure
Mobile Applications Engineer

Presta Capital Nairobi Kenya

Dzung Nguyen Minh dungngminh
I'm trying to be one of the best Mobile Developer.

University of Science and Technology - The University of Da Nang && @KomKatStudio Da Nang, Viet Nam

Ainul Hossain Ainul-Hossain
JavaScript Developer || Problem Solver

Oxygen R/A, Wazedia, Bayezid, Chattogram

Swikar Sharma swikars1
typescript, node.js, react, react native, golang, ruby on rails, vue, terraform

Narayangarh, Nepal

Alien Ahmed-Munna

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Cláudio Alfonso claudioalfonso
Tecnólogo em redes de computadores. Especialista em tecnologias digitais para educação. Fundador do, e do FablabBelém.

@lablivrebelem Belém

Wesley Scholl konjoinfinity
Front End Engineer | Mobile Engineer | Full Stack Developer | Crypto & Blockchain Consultant | IT Solutions Expert

Washington, DC

Mohamed Anter mohamedanter1996
Full-Stack Web Development Software Engineer


DP Tech Info dptechinfo
I'm passionate about IT (programming languages, databases, web frameworks, etc) and I write stories of various technologies I find interesting and worth sharing


Irvan Alfaridzi irvanalfaridzi
Mobile Apps Developer with Flutter (Android/iOS)

The Software Practice Singapore Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Omar Nasser omarnasser199789
Talks about #IOS #Android #Flutter #mobiledeveloper #articialintelligence


Sérgio Carneiro sergiocarneiro
Building the ultimate restaurant platform. Definitely not too ambitious.

@inscist Porto, Portugal

Vinod S P vinodsptharsha

Tharsha Ventures Bengaluru

Krystian Budulski kbudulski

@netguru Katowice, Poland