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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Johan von Reedtz reedtzj
SAP Senior Consultant

Reedtz Consulting AB Stockholm, Sweden

Luis Ch Luihxd
A motivated fullstack developer
Miguel Coelho MiguelFCoelho

Neptune Software Tomar

Warren weiserman

Agile Business Technology Cape Town

Fabrizio Pace fabriziopace
Senior Software Sensei

Jdtech Consulting

Riley Thomas Swanston Swanstonn
Love to solve problems and like to play tennis. [email protected]
Marco Beier wridgeu
Jack of all trades – master of none; ⠀⠀⠀ SAP ABAP Developer; Interested in Web-Development (SAP-/OpenUI5 and more)

Accenture DACH Germany

Marc Bernard mbtools
Founder and CEO of Inc. and Marc Bernard Tools

@Marc-Bernard-Tools Nice. France

Gabriele GabrieleMurgia
Software developer


KAAN Kaankoska22
Javascript developer


lefteri TerryakiSauce
Applied Mathematics grad passionate about problem-solving with math and computer science. Enjoying the developer roadmap while dabbling in data analysis and ML

@neptune-software Oslo