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Filip_Borowiak borowiak-filip
I like to work on autonomous robots and applied AI 🐼

MSc Artificial Intelligence @ Univeristy of St Andrews UK/PL

Anastasia Mavridou anmavrid
Research Scientist @ NASA Ames Research Center - Do you speak FRETish? 👍

NASA Ames Research Center Mountain View, CA

konduri chaitu chaitu26c
I love embedded systems and quantum computing i am from data science background and i love how universe works so i am trying my best to develop space tech!


Fabian Nabil fabiannabil1
Tukang Solder


Addi Trejo Additrejo
Passionate about learning, designing and building. Electronic engineer and software developer. Here you will see what I have learned and what I do. @Additrejo

Instituto Politécnico Nacional Ciudad de méxico

איוואילו ivaylov
מדען מחשב. בינה מלאכותית. דוקטור לפילוסופיה. הכל על "מחשוב". מַדָעֵי הַטֶבַע
Suraj Sahani surajsahani
Android Software Engineer & a dog's best friend.

@navgurukul India (भारत)

Odilon Houndegnonto ojhoundegnonto
I am a Ph.D. My background is physics, including Ocean Physics and Environment underpinned by a strong mathematics skill-set.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA, USA

Sushant Shah Sushantshah222
Electronics Communication & Information Engineering. Passionate about AI, Industrial Automation, and Robotics.

Pi Innovations Pvt. Ltd. Biratnagar, Nepal

Nijanthan NexumKnight
Robotics Engineer with 10+ years of experience focused on control systems, machine learning, and AI in cutting-edge robotics.


Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

RoZel-RoSel allahisgirl
Google Pixel 9 Pro XL

allah-is-girl MKE

Anirudh Swarankar Arthav24
Robotics grad student at University of Maryland College Park | Former THRSL

College Park, MD, USA

Floatyboy floatyboy
To the moon!

SSECIA Norway, West

Vinayagam vinaythaagam
My motto is if you want to win the lottery you've got to make money to buy a ticket. Chennai, Chetpat

eatdesignlove eatdesignlove
Design + Technology + ❤️

Seoul, Republic of Korea

KIHONG KIM hxngiee

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Dotto DotLYHiyou
Lead of Blackout Games. North London Forever! 🟥 AFC 🟥

🥈 Place 2024 MDC Programming Category


America Data Science LLC United States of America

Trinity Saunders Saunders-Trinity
Hello! I'm Trinity, a second year engineering student at the University of Florida. I have a lot interest, mainly in embedded systems and design.
Uday UPSAtwal
Student, Tinkerer, ML & AI Enthusiast, Co-Founder/ Director @RetailQ ❤️ open-source

@RetailQ Earth, Solar System, Milkyway

João Pedro Alves jpalves
Técnico superior de apoio à investigação científica

Home Coimbra Portugal

Miray Dicle miraydicle
Electronics Engineer | Wireless Communication Systems, Signal Processing & ML Applications

Los Angeles, CA

Prabhjot Singh Prince25
Post-collegiate software developer with front end, back end, and embedded systems experience.

Palo Alto, California