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KGerring KGerring
Code for fun; mostly in Python for about 4 years now. My main interests are static/dynamic analysis tools and refactoring. Most projects are private


Felipe da Veiga Leprevost prvst
Biomedical Data Scientist

Genentech EUA

Antony Georgiadis a-georgiadis
Materials Science PhD Student and Optical Engineer who likes bits.
Colin Ophus cophus

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Berkeley, CA, USA

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Pablo Arango monsieurpablo
Computational Developer | Environmental Design | Data Analyst | Sustainability Consultant

Hoare Lea London, UK

JoΓ£o Paulo Alves jp-alves
Data Science & Geoscience

SΓ£o Paulo - Brazil

Daniel Borek danieltomasz
Data Analysis Psychology PhD Researcher @ UGent working on electrophysiological brain activity in relation to cognitive flexibility.

Ghent University Brussel

Brian Skinn bskinn
MIT ChemE PhD. Pythonista specializing in data analysis, DevOps, and general automation tool/library development. Dabbler in quantum chemistry.

Radial R&D Dayton, OH, USA

Michelle Espinosa Hernandez MichelleAEspinosaH
Rehabilitation Science and Biomedical Engineering Joint PhD student at the Universities of Toronto and Melbourne
Jonas HΓ€ssig jonason92
Cultural Studies (BA), History & Philosophy of Science (MA), Archive, Library, and Information Science (MA)

Sajon GmbH Bern, Switzerland

Randark Randark-JMT
Why So Serious?


Software Engineer
Matt Tankersley mdtanker
Geology / Geophysics Ph.D studying Antarctica with potential fields data.

Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand

Nimbulaxan Nimbulaxan
Due to restrictions at work, primarily program in VBA/MATLAB now but looking into Python for SageMath and Jupyter Notebook.
Pierre Kestener pkestene
Research engineer in High Performance Computing and embedded systems

CEA France

Alex Maldonado aalexmmaldonado
Postdoc for accessible method development and open educational resources for computational structural biology

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA

Greg gregorfischer

NΓΌrnberg Metropolitan Area / Germany

Noah Green greenspaceexplorer
Astrophysicist, superconducting magnet master, programming polyglot. Trying to get to Antarctica for cutting edge cosmic ray research!

University of Michigan

Haruka Kono Haruka-Kono
Ph.D. My poor skills: Molecular Dynamics, Docking simulation, and Protein structure prediction.


mad0perator mad0perator
full stack freedom


Wolf Oliver wolfoo2931
Building MonsterWriter
Andres Ladino aladinoster
PhD in Automatic Control - Postdoctoral Researcher - Intelligent Transportation Systems - Traffic Simulation

@here Paris, France

John Gunstone jgunstone
Engineering Software Development Leader @maxfordham. Writing code to help Engineers who design buildings make better, more transparent decisions; faster.

@maxfordham London

Benjamin Senst bsenst
Medical Expert & Data Science

Freelance Berlin-Brandenburg

Henrik Finsberg finsberg
Senior Research Engineer working with Scientific Computing and Computational Physiology

Simula Research Laboratoy Oslo, Norway

Hailin Wang haiiliin
Less is more

Tongji University Shanghai

Fernando C. Pacheco fcarvalhopacheco

Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) Hawaii, Honolulu

Henrik Holmboe holmboe

@dynamist Stockholm

Jan Genoe jangenoe

KULeuven and imec Belgium

Michael Galloy mgalloy
I like math, [email protected]

@NCAR Boulder, CO

Angus Hollands agoose77
πŸ‘ Open Source βš™οΈ Applications Engineer @ 🌎 2i2c & owner @ OIE LTD, developing πŸ‘ open-source πŸ“ˆ scientific πŸ’»βœ¨ software since 2009 ❀️

2i2c United Kingdom

Rowan Cockett rowanc1
Interested in the intersection of communication, viz, science and the web. Team @jupyter-book working on MyST Markdown & founder @curvenote βœοΈπŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬πŸ“ˆ

@curvenote The Future

eMHa mheriyanto
πŸ€– Serving EdgeML models at scale. @ezygeo-ai @cctvpintar

TB Geoscience Banyuwangi, Indonesia