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FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Ryan Wold afomi
Everything, a system.

@civicstudio, @opentecture

Alan Smith alanwsmith
I like making things and taking notes. In fact, I spend a lot of time making things _to_ take notes the u.s.

Matt Simpson mattsimpson
A senior technology professional and technical leader with a passion for a socially positive mission and building teams that love what they do.

Kingston, Canada

ekis shehackedyou
day-dreamer night-timer, party-crasher

Unemployed Workaholic Edge of the Internet

(not the actresses.) folk healer.
LordCasser LordCasser
Security researcher, trying to get better at Hardware and Wireless.
cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Marcel wolfdex


Gregory Bowne gbowne1
Machine and Fabrication Shop owner. Hobbyist coder.

Blue Star Machining, Inc. Seattle, WA USA

$lxy Txz Sytroxitz
Hello, I'm $lxy Txz, a software engineer with many interests. Read this thing here for more cool information ➜

@JoinArena, @Evernity

Alexey Ugnichev thaewrapt
[chaotic neutral]

Self-Employment, Inc. Lviv, Ukraine

Louis Northmore louisnorthmore
Infrastructure as code. Homelab. FidoNet/FTN Developer. Retro Tech. Platform Engineer.


rust <3 Läggning: 20:00
Wade Welles wade-welles
Security researcher, Transdimensional slider. You can find me @microsoft-stifles-technological-progress-for-greedy-plutocratic-delusions-of-grandeur

Unemployed Workaholic Edge of the Internet