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Dudi Levy dudil
I am Technology executive leading people, products and technology. I love to use technology as enabler for great ideas and products people love to use.


LordReydrX LordReydrX

Rad ML As is apropos for The Alpha and Omega, I am both the beginning and end of all time and space. As is my right, I am wherever I please to be.

Weverton Marques wevertonms
Civil Engineer and Python Developer. Lover of programming, Linux and cycling.

@lccvufal @ds4data Brazil

Brielle Kiana BrieKiana
Moving into IT professionally this year. Studying Git, Networking, DevOps, and Administration currently.

TransCoder Solutions, L3C Winooski, Vermont, United States

Robert Hafner tedivm
Lots of personal projects as well as @gitconsensus, @tedious, @LeagueOfAutomatedNations, and @screepers.

@Comcast Chicago, IL