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Bartłomiej Gajda webard


SoursopID SoursopID
“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” — Jalaluddin Rumi


Alexandre Mendes rogash
I'm a software engineer that loves to work with challenging and creative projects.

Brasília / DF

Sr. Software Engineer Rarewolf626
As a Senior Software Engineer, I will play a critical role in designing, developing, and maintaining our web applications and services.
trungta trungtaxp
try hard

Hà Nội

Stupid Dev vuthaihoc
Bình Phàm

DC Hanoi

Dan danjdewhurst England, United Kingdom

sathish ssatz
#Entrepreneur #developer #fullstack

@codeplugtech India

Jana Brot janakeks
Travel-Blogger using WordPress, married to a passionate dev

Catch Life Everywhere

Alf Drollinger adrolli
Full Stack Web Developer and technical SEO preferably developing with Laravel, Filament, Livewire and Tailwind.


Moox Bot mooxbot
I am the friendly bot of Moox. I care of things like splitting repositories and running tests.

@mooxphp The web