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Jong Inn Park jong-inn
MS in Data Science @ UMN-Twin Cities

Minnesota NLP

Ryan Koo kooryan
I like neural networks. Student.


Rikki Honnold Rikkihon
From working Tech Support to Coding Bootcamp to testing!

Minneapolis, MN

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Faizah Mappanyompa faizahmp
on progress!

Kitakyushu, Japan

Andrew Palik andrewpalik
Junior at University of Minnesota with an interest in law and technology. My plan is to attend law school. Not a programmer.
Yoshitaka Inoue inoue0426
PhD Student at the University of Minnesota. Pre-Doc fellow at Biomed Institute

Bethesda, MD

Samuel Butler samuelbutler
Working on something new - discord: samdcbu
Have fun in the era of AI !
Yukyung Lee yukyunglee
Postdoc @ Boston University | Prev: KoreaUniv, NAVER | Interests: Agent, Evaluation, Writing with AI, Conversational AI, Anomaly Detection


Yan Junjie RYJunJ
An undergraduate at UW-Madison.
Jerry Yin JerryYin777
Senior@UMN CS | MLsys & LLM | ex-Intern @ Sensetime Research @01-ai & @thunlp & @OpenBMB & @NCUSCC (Wechat: JerryYin777)

University of Minnesota Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN

pentium3 pentium3


An icecream GeYuYao-hub
Ph.D. candidate at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in Computer Science and Technology.

Microsoft Beijing

Minhwa Lee mimn97
MS CS @ UMass Amherst 🇺🇸🇰🇷

Minnesota, USA

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Mir Tafseer Nayeem tafseer-nayeem
Ph.D. Student at University of Alberta

University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada

Dongyeop Kang dykang
Assistant professor at University of Minnesota, working on NLP at @minnesotanlp

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities USA