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Joao Brito joao-makasi

@makasi-tech Brasília, DF

Laura Lana lauralana
Desenvolvedora Web Full Stack | Lexart

Lexart Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais

Thiago Assimos thiagoassimos
Apaixonado por Ciência e Análise de dados e Machine Learning.

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Diogo Fonseca devmozao
🌋EruptionJS creator ⚛️ReactJS dev

Makasí Osasco/SP

Raynara Santiago raynarastg
Front-end Developer

Makasí Londrina - Pr

Yasmin Milhomem yasminmilhomem
Aspiring to be a front-end developer and gossiping about my PC.

MA, Brazil

Gilles Lima g1llz
Software developer, BTC enthusiast and a tourist on earth.

makasi-tech remote