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Worldwide (digital nomad)

Helen Chan helenchw

CUHK Hong Kong

mohammad ali alidevhere
Golang developer| AWS certified developer Associate | Contributor @gorm, go-github,larry Connect with me on LinkedIn

Contac Center Specialist Lahore,Pakistan

Hamza Mateen HamzaMateen
Fullstack internee @NeuroleapCorp

NeuroleapCorp Peshawar, Pakistan

Ufuk Bombar ubombar
Network Measurements & Software Engineering, PhD student @sorbonne-universite

Sorbonne University Paris

光芒伞 bigger-boss

中国 山东 济南

Alex gaiguodonfbu
I am Beverley Beer, from College of Informatics and Computer Management PGRI Tangerang

bbd Group 0588 ,Emelia Rest .Marcelene port ,Idaho

angryPopcorn renyijiu
We always talk too much and do too little.
Steve Yurong Su SteveYurongSu
Working on building IIoT systems. PMC member of @apache IoTDB & @apache TsFile. Committer on @apache StreamPipes. Tsinghua University Alumni.

@TimechoLab @apache Hangzhou, China | 杭州

Shah shjala


Yılmaz Uğurlu metoikos
Full-time geek. I believe I can fly.

Berlin / Germany

Paul Gaiduk europaul
Fixing the world one line at a time 💻 🌍

@zededa Berlin, Germany

Tom Qin tomqin93

@Edgenesis Giao Star

Chong Zhao qinglingzhiqing
May be a failed PhD, but a successful cook~

HeFei University of Technology HeFei, Anhui Province, China


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Angelo Marchese amarchese96
PhD in Computer Engineering, DevOps Engineer

Sicily, Italy

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Long Dao longcongduoi


zombiekanapa KanapaZombie
sound / design video / fx Poland

Stone Stone-afk
It is like the moon is finally bright, and the ice and snow are hot for you.

Nanchang Institute of Technology No.59, beijing east road, Qingshan Lake District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province

Yaid yai-dev
♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.

Freelancer Beijing, China

Just Code It! SSBMb3ZlIEh1bnRpbmcvRmluZGluZyB0aGluZ3MgYW5kIHdvdWxkbid0IGJlIHBvc3NpYmxlIHdpdGhvdXQgdGhlIGhlbHAgZnJvbSBhbGwgdGhlIGFtYXppbmcgT1NTIGNvbnRyaWJ1dG9y
GuoYuchao ihidchaos
OpenWrt & OpenThread & Matter


Siddique Ahmad SiddiqueAhmad
Passionate about sharing knowledge | Bigdata | Timescale | Postgres | restate | Debugger | DevOps

@bazaartechnologies Islamabad, Pakistan

Jomit jomit
Relentless Learner. Principal Program Manager, IoT/AI @microsoft

Microsoft Seattle