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Cotsi Pacheco Cotsikayala
"🌊 Enamorado del mar y sus secretos | Doctorando en ciencia marina 🤿 | Café adicto, ciencia apasionada y un toque de humor para hacer del aprendizaje una ola


Elizabeth R. Lawrence EliLawrence

UNESCO-IOC Project Office for IODE, Ocean Biogeographic Information System Secretariat Montreal, QC

Matt B MattB-SF

Audiovisual Biodiversity Research Group, Senckenberg Institute for Natural Research Frankfurt

José Antonio Quintero Josequinteromuentes
Observador Pesquero con Experiencia Científica en Especies Objetivo de Determinada Pesquería para el Uso Sostenible y Conservación de la Fauna Marina Vulnerable


Sai Santosh saisantoshv3
#Data #DataViz #PublicPolicy

@factly Hyderabad, India

Sean Jungbluth seannoaa
Microbial Ecology and Oceanography. eDNA|Genomics|Bioinformatics|Software Development @ NOAA-AOML
Yann Bayle ybayle
CTO & co-founder @reefpulse | PhD in AI applied to Signal Processing

Reef Pulse France

Jon Pye jdpye
Director of Data Operations for the Ocean Tracking Network. Former phytoplankton biology lab computer-nerd-in-residence.

Ocean Tracking Network Halifax, NS

Kit Elloran kitelloran

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity Philippines

Pedro Monteiro pmontei

CCMAR - Centre of Marine Sciences, University of Algarve. Faro, Portugal

Jada Andersen jadaandersen

Xylo Systems Sydney, Australia

GlennML glennlaughlin

cape breton, nova scotia

Daphne Z Hoh daphnehoh
👩🏽‍💻 Postdoctoral Researcher @ Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF) 🌊🐢 Co-founder @ TurtleSpot Taiwan

Taipei, TAIWAN

Mike O'Brien mhpob
Faculty Research Assistant at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Richmond, VA

Benjamin Hlina benjaminhlina
Postdoctoral Researcher @ GLIER - University of Windsor - Studying food webs and spatial ecology of fishes in Lake Ontario.

University of Windsor

Dan Lear dblear

Marine Biological Association

Ana Carolina Peralta cperaltab
Marine Biologist | Postdoctoral Researcher - University of South Florida | Associated researcher INTECMAR - Simon Bolivar University
haniehsaeedi haniehsaeedi

Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum

Nicolas Schiffrine NicoSchiff

Takuvik - Québec Océan Québec

mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@SocioProphet Planet Earth

Beatriz Naranjo beatriznaranjo
Full Stack / Freshwater & Marine Biologist

Costa Rica

FenyiR TshikanaR
I am an avid Data Scientist with extensive experience in large multidimensional ocean climate data management