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Anastasia German AnastasiaGerman01
I am a student, study math and programming.
Beeline Junior DS, 5th year student of the MIPT Department of Intelligent Systems


Viktor Medvedev ViktorM01
NRU HSE MSc in Stochastic Processes; est. '01

NRU HSE Moscow

Anton Bezzaborov antonbezzaborov
Student of RTU MIREA | Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


ILIYA 12ya


Vladislav Labanov AeddCirran
Lomonosov Moscow State University Student

Lomonosov Moscow State University Ulitsa Kolmogorova, 1 building 73, Moscow, 119192

Roman Prilepskiy rprilepskiy
Lead ML Developer @ MTS AI

MTS AI Moscow

Georgiy Lebedev CuriousGeorgiy
PhD Researcher at @epfl-dias and @rs3lab; Contributor at @tarantool; Maintainer at @vhive-serverless Lab NTU

@epfl-dias @rs3lab Lausanne, Switzerland

Godson Essonga codemossaka
Java/Kotlin Developer

Sber Moscow

Dmitry Balabka dbalabka
M.Sc. in Computer Science, +10 years experience in Web development, Software Architect with a focus on AI/ML projects in medium-size e-commerce US company

Ecentria Group Latvia, Riga

Anastasia Voznyuk natriistorm
Passionate learner and LLM researcher
Nikita Kiselev kisnikser
Data Scientist, Optimization Researcher

MIPT, Sber AI, Innopolis University Moscow, Russia

Kreinin Matvei kreininmv
Applied Math student, ML Researcher

MIPT & IAD & xAID Moscow

Eduard Vladimirov Edyarich
23 yo student at DAMCS MIPT
