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Deepak Nayak Deepak3994
Autonomous Cars / Deep Learning / Machine Learning / Computer Vision/ Python/ C++/ ROS

Interplai Bangalore

oktibudiati biozvers
I'm a performance artist in experimental arts, actively working remotely as a professional freelancer in graphic design based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Jakarta, Indonesia

mfosterrox mfosterrox

Red Hat Toronto, Canada

Steven Tardonia sgt7xyz
The official GitHub account for


Harshit Sharma harshit-sh

@IBM Bangalore, India

Bibhushan Bibhushan
Data Scientist with 16+ Year of Experience in Optimization, Supply Chain Analytics, Consulting and Product Management

IBM India Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Edwin Caldon edycop
Computer science apprentice.

Univesidad del Cauca Popayán, Colombia

Edward Savage egsavage
Interests in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Open Source, Aviation, and Geek culture.
Kaoutar El Maghraoui kaoutar55
Dr. Kaoutar El Maghraoui is a principal research scientist at the IBM T.J Watson Research Center working at the intersection of AI and Systems.

IBM Yorktown Heights

Shawon Ashraf ShawonAshraf
Overfitting since NaN

ellamind GmbH Bremen, Germany

Divy Tolia designMoreWeb
DevOps, Cloud Computing & Machine Learning | Open Source @nodejs @openjs-foundation 👩🏻‍💻 = ☕ + :👓 +💻

@icapitalnetwork KNN & ANN

Evil_joker J03k3vill
Evil_joker aka cybersensei aka cyber _warrior. Just learning as much about full stack learning as possible. Trying to learn lil by lil that becomes a lot. Mast

Cyber_sensei (pending) Wales

Diony C. dionyc
Hungry for tech innovation. Music is Life. Web Developer & ambitious entrepreneur. Always Dream. #IBM #IBMConsulting #salesforce, exploring Web 3.0


André Ataíde ndrtd
Master's Degree Student in Information Systems & Researcher in Social Engineering and Phishing Awareness | Cybersecurity Analyst Aspirant

Braga, Portugal

Valentino Uberti ValentinoUberti
Tech addicted

Red Hat Italy

Jackson Ra notesplane
So many forks, not enough salad! A mixture of portfolio, experiments, and learning. Interests: web3, AI, software

Else Ventures Seoul

Soham Dutta SohamDutta2002
I am a junior studying CS. Interested in ML/AI system implemnetation, deployment.Also actively looking for research oppurtunites and internships in ML/AI

Heritage Institute of Technology Kolkata

Tripp Uroskie trippuroskie
Learning how to learn

Salt Lake City, Utah

Ton Hoang tonhoang


SANKAR N nsankar
IT Professional, Entrepreneur

Opscruise INDIA

Anton Lagergren alagergren
Discord: antonlagergren
Christoph chrisrueger
Coder, musician and founder of a cloud-app for connecting different APIs and apps.

Synesty GmbH Jena

Duc Duong duongquangduc
Data and AI

IBM Paris, France

Adam O'Brien Adam0Brien
Computer Science student at SETU

Waterford, Ireland