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Misba ul zama Shaikh misba-shaikh
Data Engineer | Business Intelligence | SQL
Matheus Souza matheusgomessouza
Software Developer


Pavel PabloKarpacho
Hi! I'm a Data Scientist with two years of hands-on experience in Python ML libraries/frameworks. Currently working on LLM based chat-bot for investing fund DOH
Moses Kippe mavrk-mose
digital craftsman

sumo labs Iringa

Elly Okello eoyugi
Learning web 3 at BlockMagic Hackathon , Chainlink Bootcamp . Learning all stuff Datascience at Datacamp


Ryan Johnson tenthirtyam
Defending the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-dan Armada since 1984.

@Broadcom, VMware Cloud Foundation Division Tallahassee, Florida USA

obwot solomon SolObwot
Front-end Developer | PHP Laravel | OSINT | Security Assessment | Infosec

TMCG-Rocket Health Kampala, Uganda

Jeronim Morina plattenschieber
Mathematician and Data Scientist with focus on state of the art Deep Learning NLP

@bloomedai Bonn

Halx KelvinHalx
Full stack Software Developer @sparepap && @The-Newberry-Institute.

The Newberry Institute Nairobi, Kenya

Yin Zhang MIracleyin
Scientific NLP, Science of Science, Recommendation Systems, OS, Rust

Tencent China

whb SnailWhb
like a happy snail
Txau txau

Valencia, Spain

kelana wisnu s. nugraha kelanawisnu
An independent researcher with a wide range of interests, ranging from literature, history, postcolonial studies, musicology, and narratology.

Pustaka Pias

अमन || Aman amankhandelia
फ़र्ज़ करो हम अहले वफ़ा हों, फ़र्ज़ करो दीवाने हों,\n फ़र्ज़ करो ये दोनों बातें झूठी हों अफ़साने हों

IQVIA Bengaluru

Naijeria Toweett aka Mama Tech nashthecoder
Ruby on Rails Developer || Digital Public Goods Community Manager || Technical Manager

Girl Effect | Mama Tech

Rafael Pólit RafaPolit

HURIDOCS Quito, Ecuador

Ezzalddeen Ali EzzalddeenAli
Full-stack Developer </> Python- PHP Laravel- Node.js - Android , Yemen Sana'a

YemenPython Yemen Sana'a

Alfeo Raymond Pheogrammer
Software Developer

Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Espen Klem eklem
Interaction Designer at Knowit. Tinkering with search in the browser. Interested in human beings and technology. Oslo