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Erdem Özgen ErdemOzgen
Software Developer and ML Enthusiast

HAVELSAN Learning Land

Sandeep Pal Pal-Sandeep
Python Developer

Scoodel Bikaner

Simon Green simonjgr
Results-driven AWS Certified Cloud Architect with 10+ years of experience in Information Technology both in the public and private sectors.
Marcel F. Falcão mmfalcao

Rede Itapecerica da Serra

Peng, Andy pymhq
👨🏻‍💻 Builder. @cncf Ambassador. He/him.

Seattle, WA, USA

Pedro Lourenço pfilourenco

@tentwentyone @nosportugal Lisbon

Mohammed Almusaddar mhmdio
👨🏼‍💻 DevOps Engineer

@SchematicHQ Gaza, Palestine

Balázs Buri burib
cloud engineer

Zürich, Switzerland