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Nicolas Joaquim iepe-iaguara
I use Arch btw

Escândio, Bromo

Hugo hugoarnal
1st year student @ Epitech

Lyon, France

Liam EnZon3

Miami, FL

Obada Outabachi 0bada1
Software Developer | AI Developer           42 Abu Dhabi graduate and UoPeople Computer Science Student
Logan 500LRB
i make silly stuff
David Soto Cubillo DavidSotoC
I like people who work well programming

Costa Rica

Seychelles Anon1777
dude i love the seychelles

acura tlx 2024 seychelles

Mawfyy Mawfyy
Software Engineering focused in Web, Low Level and QA.


18 year old student


km7 dev Kingminer7
programmer for a few years can code in quite a few languages