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Emanuele DelBono emadb
Software engineer. C#, Javascript, Ruby and Elixir.

CodicePlastico Italy

Non C'è nonmesure
Raúl Aguilera López r-aguilera
Industrial/Mechanical Engineer at University of Almería, in Spain 🇪🇸

Almería (Spain)

Software Developer
Angellie D. Marcos chemixalyu04
An Information Technology Student

student ???

Dhaarun Abhimanyu Dhaarun-Abhimanyu

PSG College of Technology India

Kawai Wong fancycoconut

@pushpay Auckland, New Zealand

Hunter LaTourette hlatourette

@Bloomberg New York, NY

M. vx66
A simple dude summoned by Cthulhu.

Kaiju Corporation localhost:3000

429 s10194224
Backwoods Bob BOBBYWY
I have no idea what I am doing here.
Mathías Donoso mathiasdonoso
Software developer

@code8020 Santiago, Chile.

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mitja O dee-me-tree-or-love
👋 Hello there! | Full-stack engineer | Research enthusiast
Thomas Perrot tprrt
Embedded Linux and kernel engineer @bootlin

@bootlin Toulouse Area, France

Celeste Gómez cgomez21
Engineering student @ FIUBA
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Mike Wallio scaryrawr
A computer nut kupo.

Microsoft Boston

アレックス AlexCS1337
Software Developer / Freelance Web Developer

Transmax Australia

Alxira5 Alxira5
Software developer and digital artist, defender of free culture.

@xarzteam Venezuela

Burguito Burgito
A curious developper i'd say


Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing.


Ben Feld rootshellz
🔐 Staff Security Engineer. Currently at 🚚 @aurora-opensource, where we are building a self-driving future. Formerly at 📤 @slackhq and 🎮 PlayStation.

#Aurora-Innovation, @aurora-tech Denver-Metro / Aurora, CO