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Stan stanleycharles
☁️ Cloud DevOps ♾️

Paris • Lille • Toronto

Tommy Williams wommy

technomad Detroit, MI


aguay@localhost-fr # ~/

Zac Evans pixelmaven

Frontage Queenstown, NZ

Ismael Taboada Rodero ismtabo
Senior Full Stack Developer

@Telefonica Valladolid

Martin Montes mmontes11
@mariadb-operator Maintainer 🦭 Kubernetes ☁️ Go

@mariadb-corporation Spain

Antoine MILLET rockyluke
Hypoxic Scuba Diver & VP of Engineering 🤿💻

Scaleway -130m

Nissi Nassime RtillaWork
Software Developer | Full-Stack | Life Time Apprentice | New Grad | Do Androids Dream of /proc/self?

Loading... Internet, Everywhere, The Osmos

ping mrpingan
Hi, There


Henrik VT henrikvtcodes
dev & transit enthusiast

@verso-uvm, @uvm-cscrew Northeast USA

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Rishi Yadav rishiyadav1923

Student Mathura, Uttar-Pradesh, India

Astrid v3rmine
Full-stack developer for SimplX

SimplX Lyon, France

bri b-
your local resident hacker


Duc Tran ductnn
✈ 📸 🎼 🎹 🎸 💻 🎥

MBBank Ha Noi, Viet Nam

William Li WilliamLi0623
Programmer at @frc6941 | OI | MO UWaterloo BMath '29
Rex Wu tsunejui
Linux lover and OSS enthusiast.


ytokan ytokan

paris, france


Intrinsec France


IRSN Fontenay-aux-Roses

David Ireoluwa Akins (aka AwesomDev) gooddavvy
Hi, I would appreciate followers. I am an aspiring innovator who loves to code, and I've been coding for over 3 years now.

At My House Full of Tech Enthusiasts | [Redacted Address]

Thomas Perron ths83
Senior Full-Stack & Cloud Software Engineer.


Julien SIMON simonjulien

Orange Business Services BORDEAUX

devops, full-stack, gopher, cloud native, rust, mlops


Rémi Verchère rverchere

Accenture Aubagne, France

Tac mtacnet
- SRE @gammeo - Student Alumni 42 Paris. - Other place:

Gammeo - Dijon Dijon

Quentin JOLY qjoly
Autodidacte Français 🐧 Kubernetes, Talos, CNCF 🐧

@LuccaSA France

ANJIREDDY -Architect - AI-ML [ BNYMELLON.COM -PUNE] anjilinux
MSc embedded systems design , whatsapp === +91 9505782251


Steven Kreitzer buroa
🇺🇸 Military Veteran with a passion for ☁️ native & 👐 source technologies 🤸

Milky Way

Thibault VINCENT npdgm

@enix Paris, France