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Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Sergei Parfenov P0rt
Software Developer, Learning Specialist

@tripleten-com, @Kruzhok Barcelona

Amogh Mannekote msamogh
Dialogue Systems | LLMs | HCI | Education | Open Source

Amazon Bellevue, WA

Cristiano Oliveira cristianounix
Developer since 2006, today I work on web platform, and i love learn more about neural networks, IA, ML and DataVis.

Venturus Campinas - SP

Mai Xu maiixu
swe @google

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

Jacob Kim jpoly1219
CS engineering student at UMich. Founding engineer @ Ace AI. Research software engineer @ UMich. PL + AI + SE + HCI

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI

Hiroyuki Kuromiya kromiii

GMO Pepabo, Inc. Tokyo

iso. ismlkrkmz
MSc. in Intelligent Systems Engineering
