Kimberly Coetzer
Hello! I'm currently a PhD student in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. I have experience in studying rare diseases using Bioinformatics. Eager to learn
Stellenbosch University South Africa
Juan Felipe Beltran
Computational biologist interested in both human and computer bugs 🧬
Pawan Kumar
Passionate for analysis driven research for Multi-level Biological data understanding. More towards protein structural and small molecules analysis
Indian Biological Data Centre, IBDC Faridabad
Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos
Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology | Bioinformatician. Post-doc researcher in Brazil (LabBCES, CENA, USP).
Universidade de São Paulo Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)
Francesco Patane, MSc
Biotechnologist. Keen on scientific programming and machine learning applied to drug discovery.
PhD student at the University of Bruxelles
Immunology Laboratory - ULB Gossielles, Belgium