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Wiktor Stawicki rotkiW285
19yo frontend enjoyer

Katowice, Poland

lmq meetox80
hello world

[redacted] Warsaw, Poland

Barti bartikele

Mandarin Poland

yosoof yosoof3
computer nerd, graphic designer, nixos user, and best of all master yapper my only other account is @yosoof4
Matylda Miedzińska slavicscarecrow
W pewnej alternatywnej rzeczywistości można mnie znaleźć biegającą po okolicznych lasach, gdzie multiklasuję druida, czarodzieja oraz barda. W tej tworzę chaos.
Adiksuu Adiksuu
Hello! I'm Adiks!


yacoreq yacoreq

Wrocław, Poland

Paweł Szymański rvyk

Freelance Near Rzeszów, Poland

Marcel Welna mx2rel
Student 📚 Freelancer 🚀


ignis ignis621
tech geek, programmer, arch user and deadmau5 fan from poland.


mike☆ Blookusny
student, young dev, ui fan & figma wizard, music enjoyer and cats lover

@AdviceBot-info poland

Wiktor Kycia wiktorKycia
Fan of Python, creating webapps, databases and mergeing all this stuff together


Cegła Ceglaa
Currenly working with C# Unity developement and ASP.NET Core developement. Learning rust.

Zone RolePlay Poland

chosen zhexperimentally Poland, United States

Yehor yehorscode
Hi I'm Yehor, I want to work in IT as a programmer :) I'm the owner of Blueprint the create mod site, I know Python I'm learning Typescript, C#
Wojciech Zrałek theSaintKappa
Full-stack developer • TypeScript | React | Next.js | Svelte • Technical college programming major • 18 y.o.

@mechaniktg Katowice, Poland

Marek Zjeżdżałka zjezdzalka
an existing & roaming human-being

@studio-213 ^ ZSK_Poznań Poznań

Kacper Kozłowski Carpye
Web Developer from Poland

Zielona Góra, Poland

Michał Kwiatkowski kwiatkowski-michal
just an average taylor swift fan


Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


Maxio itsMaxio

@Ciasteczkarnia your mom