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Luca Lxca128

@zaphosting Germany

SunKyu Choi luke0408

Gachon University Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

白白的群子 furinafirefly
Even if you are pricked by life today, wish for a beautiful tomorrow.
Ariel Sousa ArielRSousa
Software Engineering student at Jala University, passionate about software development and cybersecurity.
Takaharu kanotoru

muzzle-lab 佐賀県

哒哒瑟 ddssingsong
I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.

@baidu @xiaomi China

HKS 27D hks27d
Software Developer


오병진 sunrabbit123

Seoul, South Korea

Jontraitor jontraitor

Europe, Belgiumn, Ghent

Carolina carolinaisslaying
A law, criminology and sociology student from Aotearoa who codes in their spare time. Proud to be Kāi Tahu & a trans woman.

@discordextremelist Wellington, New Zealand

Mahmoud Adel migo557

westernhouse turkey

Nassim n4ss1m
Full Stack Web Developer

Piteur Studio Algeria , Blida

Marcos Augusto Quiuqui Mquiuqui
22y, formado na faculdade Cruzeiro do Sul no curso Análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas, formado na Etec da zona leste no Etim de Informática

São Paulo, Zona Leste

Pierre-Alexandre STERBIK Manianise
I'm a passionate developer transitioning into DevOps !
