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RC Poudel rc-poudel
Sr. Software Engineer

@amakomaya Kathmandu, Nepal

Simon Woodworth simonwoodworth
Lecturer, Business Information Systems, Cork University Business School, University College Cork.

University College cork Cork

Kirubel Kibru Mesfin kirukib

@Yaltopya Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Michael Neufeld neufeldm

Akamai Technologies @Akamai

Edina Gabriella Ngalasa Gabie-21
I am a passionate coder that is currently learning how to code at She Codes Foundation.
Bereket Belete brktbelete

Pendulum Systems, Inc Nashville, TN

Martin M. Martin-ImpalaBridge

Impalabridge Luxembourg

Akil Khatri AK1239
👨‍💻 Full Stack Software Developer | Have a passion for solving problems.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Hidenori hfu
Smart Maps Lead. Keep web maps open for a better world. Test new technologies for future geospatial operations.

@UNopenGIS @optgeo Tsukuba, Japan

Tiago Maluta maluta
humanist-technologist. passion for product and data, grounded in eng. Now laser-focused on social impact. exploring the future @ Lemann Foundation

@fundacaolemann São Paulo - Brasil

Andrew Mussa andrewmussa
| Biostatistician |

Statistical and Computational Data Sciences Lab Ltd Malawi

Sylver Yagi sylvery
I am struggling with coding!

Sudo Tech Papua New Guinea

Pasindu Bathiya Bandara paXindu
Full Stack Developer | Tech Enthusiast
Indra Prabawa joeprabawa

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

EL-ELOHE TendekayiZ
A versatile, hardworking individual, driven to meet and exceed a company's expectations to deliver high-quality products


Toshiaki Asakura toshiakiasakura
Working on infectious disease modelling.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Daniel Tarí taridepaco
PhD. Aerospace Engineer - Researcher - Software developer

Valencia, Spain

Christian Nwosu is a Public Health Practitioner with interest in Public Health, Data Analytics, Digital Health, Research and Geospatial Analytics
Samuel samuel-ma

@Samuel-ma Cairo, Egypt

Wandile Mawelela wandilemawelela

@linespacesoftware, @andela Manzini, Eswatini (Swaziland)

Abdullahi Mohamed Arralle21
Machine Learning And NLP "Student"


Long Dao longcongduoi


Alhaji Abubakarr Barrie BarrieLAJ

@monimesl , @monime-lab Freetown, Sierra Leone

Dercio Pale derciopale
💼IT Consultant 💼Software Developer 💼Music Producer

Intellica S.A Maputo

Yared Getachew veduket

Toreans Engineering Addis Ababa

Tutu Moses iamtutumo
It’s a great day to be alive! I reimagine how we use technology, people & processes to move businesses forward in new ways with simple powerful tech solutions
