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pip7 Bu22Lightyr
Member of Xenon, the Memorial Board of Immortal Southferry & Amherst, Maplestory. 尖兵会员,冒险岛不朽的南港和彩虹村永久纪念委员会。
Kyle Beggs kylebeggs
Scientific Software Developer

JuliaHub North Carolina, United States

Lucas Grosjean lucasgrjn
Lucas Grosjean, Currently playing to mix photonics and IA with a pinch of Lithium Niobate at Femto-ST, CNRS Labs 🇫🇷, Resident at (Google) X.

X, Google San Francisco

Jan Genoe jangenoe

KULeuven and imec Belgium

Simon Bilodeau simbilod
Physicist/engineer with expertise in photonics, semiconductors, and software-driven design and layout.

Bay Area

Alec Hammond smartalecH
Computational Research Scientist

Meta Reality Labs Research Redmond, WA

Chia Wei (Wade) Hsu chiaweihsu
Leads the Photonics in Complex Systems group @complexphoton at USC

University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

Zhang Bohan zbh88
student of Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University

Peter_H longqianh
B.Eng degree (with honor) in Optics from ZJU. Incoming EE Ph.D. at Caltech.

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Jack Huang zauberresonator
Chicagoan by upbringing, education, and outlook. Passionate about optical chips, deep tech, and markets. Please reach out if you are like-minded

Pale Blue Bot

Langlang Xiong kabume
Ph.D. candidate at FDU, major is physical electronica, research interests include photonic crystals and topological insulators.

Fudan University Shanghai, China

Zhenyu Dong MrDongZhenyu

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

Fei Xia Fei-Xia-oe
Incoming Assistant Professor in EECS University of California, Irvine

University of California, Irvine Irvine, California

Mahmut Ruzi MahmutRuzi
Research Fellow, interested in vibrational spectroscopy, functional surfaces & interfaces.

Erciyes University Erciyes Üniversitesi Turkey

Jordy Homing Lam jhmlam
Structure Enthusiast 🇭🇰

Hong Kong

Guoqing Ma GuoqingMa-SIOM

Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai, China