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Error: "The specified source 'github' is invalid. Provide a valid source." when publishing nuget package to github #49186

Answered by wirejp
wirejp asked this question in Packages
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I was able to resolve my issue and I successfully published the nuget package to GitHub. I found a solution on stackoverflow website: -
Getting error when using GitHub Actions to push the nupkg to my GitHub packages.
In my case, I ran the following command Package Manager Console in Visual Studio: -
PM> dotnet nuget add source --username OWNER --password ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --store-password-in-clear-text --name github "" (replace OWNER with your username or company name).

Afterwards, I published the nuget package to GitHub using the following command in Package Manager Console in Visual Studio: -
PM> dotnet nuget push "C:\Users\Us…

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