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Tim Swanson tiswanso
Cloud-native & open-source advocate at Cisco @cisco-open

Cisco Systems, Inc. Massachusetts

Vladyslav Spirin vladspirin
🧑‍💻 SW QA Engineer | Network Engineer | 🍏 macOS, 🐧 GNU/Linux and 🐍 Python enthusiast

Ciklum Chernivtsi, Ukraine

As the open book, I compose projects unlike, inventions. A student's expense to be independent. RubyRosary - A$AP Rocky.
Everaldo Costa Silva Everaldo-127
Analista InfraOps, AiOps e DevOps .
dreamyuki dreamyukii
nothing to see here
Andrea Baciu AndreaBaciu17
I'm a CS grad with Python, C++, C#, and web experience. I'm also an art enthusiast. Merging tech with creativity. Always up for new projects!

[email protected] California, United States

Kabilan S kabilansiva11
cyber security & ethical hacking learner


Marcio Ribeiro Julião Marcio-Juliao
Estudante do 3º Semestre de Sistemas de Informação na São Paulo Tech School (SPTECH).

São Paulo, Brazil

Srinadh Shaik srinadh-shaik
I build projects and enhance algorithms. want to work and showcase my skills at @oracle


Jeffrey Laederach JeffreyLaederach
Mechanical Engineering Student

@vexergy Cortlandt Manor, New York

Teresa Duarte teresameloduarte
Junior Full Stack Developer


Abdullah As-Sadeed bitscoper
Developer | Open-Source Activist | NixOS Lover

AlmaLinux OS Foundation Bangladesh

Tawfiq TawfiqAbubaker
Software Engineer II @cisco

Ottawa, Ontario

William Mallien williammallien
Security Consulting Engineer at Cisco .ı|ı.ı|ı. MSc. Electronics and ICT Engineering

@cisco @bubblydoo Antwerp, Belgium

SMosq StuartMosquera
Software Developer

Alto Paraná, Paraguay

Natzki Natzkiiii
Hello there, for a more detailed portfolio of me look at my website, including the current maintained projects.
Lourd Nathaniel Gonzalez lng-athens
BS in Mathematics major in Computer Science | Full-stack Developer (MERN)

Metro Manila, Philippines

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Corri Taylor corritaylor
Graphic Designer turned Full Stack Developer turning Software Engineer 😅😁🤓

Mykal Sarai Studios, LLC Henderson, NC