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Neurowerk is the software project for remote sensing data processing in real time with deep neural networks use.
liuyutao liuyutao
FrontEnd Engineer

航天宏图 北京.中国

chaoliu chaoliuchn
Do one thing at a time, and do well.


潘潘 123pzy

GZHU Guangzhou

不死鸟玉山禾 zjdyzww

中泽开源国际 china

L L-hikari
Front-end developer, giser, web3d

@baidu @huiyan-fe

孙霸天 1327398885
zesionlee zesion21
You can call me zesion, A Front-end Programmer

China TOPRS Technology Co.,Ltd Beijing

DAI XINYE xinyeDai
Doctor candidate Dai Xinye in Wuhan University

Wuhan University