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Konstantin Strümpf kstruempf
Software Engineer | TU Wien

Independo GmbH Vienna, AT

PPGame Group brownppfeng
My name is brownpp. My current focus is on web development, and I have been working on personal projects to improve my skills in this area.

BlueWave Technologies Company Flat D, 10/F, Block 3 Yue On Court 84 Tai Ho Road Tsuen Wan, New Territories Hong Kong

Miguel Ángel Bueno Ferrer mabuenox
Software Developer

Madrid, Spain

kunal Chola kwebdev11
I'm Web Developer | Angular Developer | Software Developer | Hybrid App Developer using Ionic & Capacitor.js

Gurugram, India India

Abdur Rahim RahimBangla
Senior Programmer at HomePay Ltd.

HomePay LLC Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Felix IIxauII
Anything JS, Automation & Mechanical Keyboards
Dan Percic danpercic86

@DevPlant @BanatIT @gdsc-upt Timisoara, Romania

Matheus Felipe mfcarneiro

@Nn0Team nil

Jean-Baptiste THERY jb-thery
Freelance React.js Expert

jCode Montpellier

Dayana Jabif djabif
Frontend Developer with 10+ years of experience. #Javascript #Angular #Ionic Ionic Dev Expert 💙

Self employed Uruguay

Philipp Grosswiler trancee

Küttigen, Switzerland

Alexandros SIDIRAS Ratatinator97
Here is my biggest accomplishment:


Muhammad Touseef muhammadtouseef11222211
I'm a DevSecOps engineer specializing in Linux systems, automation, and cybersecurity. I focus on integrating automations into the development lifecycle.

Micro Tech Lahore, Pakistan

Thanasis Xanthopoulos thanasisxan
Full Stack Developer


Hachi Abderrahmane Ben Salem ihahachi
Geomatics, Spatial programming (PostGIS, GeoServer, OpenLayers, Mapbox, Leaflet)

Terrainknowledge Algeria

Kang Cahya dyazincahya
a connoisseur of coffee without sugar.

@x-labs-myid Jakarta, indonesia

Suleyman solmanter
👋 Hello world!
Kainoa Kanter ThatOneCalculator
21 year old fullstack developer

@InertiaSocial Los Angeles

Alexis Boyda oboyda
PHP and JavaScript freelancer. WordPress enthusiast.


Warat Wongmaneekit thangman22
Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at WISESIGHT, Google Developer Expert Web Technologies


Hiter Harris hiterharris

Red Ventures Charlotte, NC

Josef Fröhle Dexus
Security, cryptography, AlpineLinux, Node.JS, Docker, GoLang that makes me happy 👍

@b1-systems @DeineAgenturUG Bramsche, Germany

Víctor Arreaga vfred0
Software Engineer


Yasmin Seidel JasminDreasond
I'm Yasmin Seidel! Fic/crypto/matrix projects developer in the brony community 🇧🇷 🏳️‍⚧️ | She/her | Writer | Artist | Programmer | Asperger's syndrome

@PuddyClub Brazil / Espírito Santo

Vishnu Thankappan TechieWithBeard
Full stack Developer (MEAN) Skilled in Angular, Xamarin, Azure Services React
