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Kim, Kyung Jong tocrux
- Firmware developer of Nordic, STM32 - ASP.NET, C#, Xamarin

Incheon, Korea

Rafael Araujo Lehmkuhl rafaellehmkuhl
Software Engineer. Currently developing the next generation of ground control stations at bluerobotics/cockpit. This cute in my shoulder is called Mocha.

@bluerobotics São José dos Campos - Brasil

Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀Self Learn Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing,Computer Vision,machine learning, Ecommerce and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

Şevket Eren KAYNAR sqayner
DOĞUŞ Üniversitesi - Bilgisayar Mühendisliği

İstanbul, Türkiye

ShiauweiZhao ShiauweiZhao
Flight control engineer


Barchenkov Ivan BrayNarvi
CEO CEO Yandex Education Expert Author of the book "The Internet Marketer's Bible

Galli Davide Francesco Maria Revan1985
Working since 2009 years as .net developer. Passionate with Industry programming (mes and scada) and graphics programming

Alesys S.r.l. Solbiate Olona (Italy)

DA daraduda
Develop, develop, develop...

@daraduda Earth