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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing


@Raiffs-bits Texas

Alex agiUnderground
Python | Go | C | Linux | BSD | Unix
Agustín Formoso aguformoso
Software engineer at @RIPE-NCC, previously @LACNIC

RIPE NCC Amsterdam

M32 NotM32
Building spaces to speak freely.

@teslamotors, Colorado Colo Denver

Russell Brian Fulache Dugaduga Jale Palma RussPalms
Self-taught tech enthusiast in CA. Passionate about ML, Quantum Computing, Python automation, and web development. Aspiring ML Quantum Computationist. 🎶🚀🌱

PalmaView L.L.C. Colton, CA

Sergey Mutin mutin-sa

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

git-ittechca-com dev-ittechca-com Dominican Republic

brainstorm209 brainstorm209
PHP, SQL, React, Redux, Node.js, ASP.NET (4 years), React Native (1 years), Bootstrap, Tailwind.CSS, ...

whatsapp +16787528599

Tad Ericson fornevercollective

fornevercollective Portland, OR

xtex xtexx
A Carbon-Based Humanoid Entity. aka. Zerozaki Ori

Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

Phi Hai Hoang louisphihaihoang
VNU Group

@vnugroup Vietnam

RoboDoc RoboDoc
Security analyst from Norway.

RoboDoc Norway

Con 55 años llevo más de 20 jubilado. En 1982 consegui un commodore64 con el aprendí BASIC y CodigoMaquina (hice el Tretris en ASM, con Debug) . Y use el Pascal