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Valentin vgaret

Besançon, France

Zuruh Zuruuh
Web dev, php, typescript, docker, rust, profile picture from


Hugo Alliaume Kocal
@symfony UX Core Team

Lyon, France

Frédéric Lesueurs fredericlesueurs
In love with PHP 🐘 and lamas🦙. Also coding in JavaScript, TypeScript and Golang.

Freelance Toulouse, France

Quentin RIBAC ribacq
French developer, conlanger, worldbuilder & writer.

Paris, France

Cellya Sirot Caelly
Fullstack Developer in Lyon

Freelance Lyon

Damien Fernandes damienfern
Lead Developer @wanadev

@wanadev Lyon, France

Alexandre Daubois alexandre-daubois
Symfony Core Team // Dev at @decathlon-experience

@decathlon-experience Lyon, France

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Jason Rouet jaz-on
Bonjour and welcome! 👋 
I am a full remote WordPress enthusiast working at @whodunit-agency. Also member of @Association-WPFR.

Whodunit France

Développeuse de sites 100% personnalisés | Symfony, PHP, WordPress et un peu de Javascript
William Mead W1W1-M
PHP developer by day ☀️ Apple enthusiast by night 🌑 Creator of @Super85App📱Father 24/7 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦


Simon André smnandre
PHP/Symfony developer & UI/UX enthusiast ⋅ Core @symfony UX member

@sensiolabs Rennes, France

Sadetdin EYILI sad270

Ekino Bordeaux, France

Sparesotto Anais anais0210
Developpeuse Back-End et réparatrice d'inaccessiblité @toovalu

toovalu Nantes

Vincent Amstoutz vinceAmstoutz
👨‍💻 Senior dev engineer - Clean code, OOP & focus expertise - Open source contributor

@coopTilleuls Lyon

Th. Ma. thierrymarianne

Greater Paris Metropolitan Area