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Krzysztof Wójtowicz krzysztof-wojtowicz
Student at Warsaw University of Technology 🧑🏻‍🎓

Warsaw, Poland

VVunderVVaffle DenisLisovytskiy
Practicing wizardry by commanding rocks that were tricked into thinking.
Maksim Hamanchuk uasuna2022
A student at Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw, Poland

Jan Swidzinski Ultr0x
Simply learning

University of Arts London London, UK

kamila kamilasw
2nd year CS student at WUT
Daniil Kavalevich Tox1GeN
Computer Science Student & Beginner Front End Developer


Michał Popkowicz Popke523
Student of Computer Science and Information Systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science of Warsaw University of Technology.


Adam Grącikowski adamgracikowski
student of Computer Science at Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw, Poland

Jakub Lisowski Jlisowskyy
Student of Computer Science and Information Systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science of Warsaw University of Technology.

Dell Technologies Warsaw

Adam Ogieniewski F1r3d3v
Student of Computer Science and Information Systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at Warsaw University of Technology.

Warsaw, Poland

Łukasz Kryczka kryczkal
Student of Computer Science and Information Systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at Warsaw University of Technology.
Tomasz Mycielski mycielskit
Second year Computer Science and Information Systems student at Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw, Poland

Ernest Mołczan molczane
Student of Computer Science at Warsaw University of Technology.

JetBrains Warsaw

Jan Gąska Ja-Gk-00
Warsaw University of Technology MINI Data Science graduate, Computer Science Masters student, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Python, C. Frogs are cool!
Daniel Ndashimye Dahdo
Currently, a Computer Science student

Warsaw, Poland

Paulina Przybyłek p-przybylek
🔹 AI student at WUT🔹


👨‍💻 Third-year student at Warsaw University of Technology. Passionate about software development and solving real-world problems through technology.
