Johan Antonio
software ingener | Frontend Developer |Mobile Developer|Backend Developer | Arquitecto web|Blenderista 3D y Game Developer
Jsoftsolutiom Dominican republic
José Fco. Henriquez
Always learning something new. if ("You can imagine it?"){printf("You can program it.")}
Hytech Nexo La Vega, Dominican Republic
Tomas E. Crespo
•🔞 23 years old
•🇩🇴 Dominican Republic
•👨💻 Full Stack Developer
United State
Anelfry Lora
Passionate about development, Supporter of good practices and quality solutions. I work with JavaScript VueJS and server side PHP Laravel. 👾
Dominican Republic
Erick Jimenez
My interest is my growth as long as learn new skills everyday, in the road to do it give my best performance to do what i love well done, faster and efficient.