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Computer Science Student at UT Dallas

Dallas, Texas

Charles Averill CharlesAverill
UTD CS + Physics, struggling to understand Stephen Wolfram

@SoftwareLanguagesSecurityLab Dallas

Roman Hauksson RomanHauksson
Trying to make the future go well

Portland, Oregon

Mike Quan mikehquan19
Hi! I'm a CS student at UTDallas. I'm interested in web app and AI, currently learning and focusing on both of them.


Ph.D student , Artificial intelligence at Shahid Beheshti University
Parsa Bazrpash Amalgar ParsaBazrpash
Software engineer student at UT Dallas

Dallas, TX, USA

Jordan Joelson jordanjoelson
💻 Front End Developer

Dallas, Texas

Aditya Krishna adityawisecoder
i write clean code :)


Hersh Lalwani HershLalwani
CS at UT Dallas

University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, Texas

Natalia Sekulic talseku
Professional Computer Science Nerd
Veom Nemade 254176

None Dallas,Texas

Amber Yang luckyamber1992
PhD student in Computer Science


Kiran Hegde TEOTD
Fascinated by ML and DL. Web and mobile app developer.

Protium - India Bangalore

Johnny N. johnnynalley
Computer science student at University of Texas at Dallas.

Texas, USA

Atiqur Rahman atiqurx

The University of Texas at Arlington Texas, United States

Ayaan Umair ThobesForBros
Neuro/SWE @ UTD: I post my projects here, both personal and professional.
Lerich Osay LerichO
B.S. Computer Science | UT Dallas

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas

Leonar P. leonarpv

Buenos Aires - Argentina

Colin Wong democat3457
Minecraft Java modder, programmer in Java and Python

@Comet-Robotics | @Brains4Drones | @Rebirth-of-the-Night | @frc5431 alum/mentor North Texas

Gowri N. GowNanSA
CS Student: I may not know what I am doing 100% of the time, but I try my best! Stockpiling my code, work, and projects here in case my computer explodes!