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Edmar Silva edbino

Florianópolis, SC - Brasil

Arthur Taurino arthurmichel
29 year. from Recife/Brazil.

@amigoapp Recife, Brazil

Purebox feeloursoul
Hello World. ただのにわかです。残念なことにプログラミングの知識は持ってません。元メイン・アカウント @Ultraleaf
Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


vinit kumar pandey vineetp6
Developer in Making

Advantek Fuel SYstems

krongk krongk
The founder of in Chengdu, China.

Tanmer inc. chengdu,china

Sean Kumar seankumar-tl
Cloud Engineering, Infrastructure, and DevOps. All things AWS :)

TripleLift New York, NY

Luís Santos luiszxcv
🕶️ Coordenador @gdg_sinop 🚀 Diretor de mkt @icfconstrutora 🏗️ Discente de eng. civil @unematsinopoficial ❤️ Sócio @ana.crespi1235 na @ascension.dig

Ascension Sinop MT - BR

Megatron Megatron7-code
公众号:vm-321 website:


cojovi cojovi
just a man, with his keyboard...

TechDoneCheap Ft Worth, Texas

Ciphore Ciphore

Viewport Los Angeles, CA

Duy Co coduy96
I'm fall in love with coding!

In this universe

Jonathon Palmieri Jawn78
Technology leads us to a future of people doing meaningful engaging work! Work is mostly private, please request access.

Rex Recruiting Connecticut

Dou Du dou-du

EPFL Laussane, Switzerland

leebCn windyPlace-lee
a software developer from china
afc163 afc163
Life is a box of chaos

Alipay Hangzhou, China

Koen Farell holyCowMp3
Open Source Lover

@Solar-Control Ukraine

Dev Dev1289 Bangalore

Eric Douglas eric4479
Enjoying technology

Douglas PC Mims, FL