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Zapra Gartiast zapragartiast
Not programmer, not full stack coder. Just a man who explore great things on the web.

@Graviloka Bandung, Indonesia

Emmanuel Ephraim loyboy
Cloud engineer

Tvio Solutions

Gabriel Mendez Rivera Gabrielmrpr
graphic design, content creator, Web desing and dev

1solutionpr USA

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


dgo2dance dgo2dance
code && art && product && business
Mountain Mountain-AI
Talk is cheap, show me the code.


Qasym Majen galtlab

Qazaq Open Source Initiative Astana

Fima Liu HMLIU

Shanghai, China

Vegas Machine scaleful

Web 3.0 Raleigh, NC

李珂 LikePKU
My style, your wish

Peking University Beijing, China

顾维维 proofcores
Find code, projects, and people on GitHub.

IDC Global Beijing

杨初尘 Oatelauser
什么优化,复杂度.在老夫面前没有优化! 算法就是枚举,数据结构就是链表. 全给它串起来,存取就遍历O(n^2),O(n^3),O(2^n). 动态规划?回溯剪枝?不存在的!又不是不能跑! 复制粘贴, 能跑就行.搞那花里胡哨的干啥!
Roger Avll rocher-dev9
Una cuenta pensada para uso académico y profesional.


Stephen Floyd misfiteam

MaiaLearning Bangalore, India

Park Jae-hyuk NotYourBabe

Naver Seoul, South Korea

Deep Learning & RL & Angular

Taiwan Taichung

Syrena Jing HisReborn

Prada Milan, Italy

Noah Thompson 3Cups
🛡️ Cybersecurity expert 🔐 | Ethical hacking & pen-testing 💻 | Java & Python 🐍 | 🎮 Gamer & 🎧 Audiophile

CyberSec Pro Atlanta, GA

이준헌 leejoonhun


Guilherme noghartt

@entria / @woovibr Brazil

Ce Gao gaocegege
AI Infrastructure / MLSys | Co-founder & CEO @tensorchord | Co-chair @kubeflow


李振宇 Off-Black

Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida, United States

Jinx jinx2018
Health & Happiness


Leena Bose bisyukujo
AI Researcher, interested in machine learning algorithms. Avid reader of classic literature.

ITC Limited Kolkata, West Bengal, India

func(e *fsm.Event) { fmt.Printf("event state: %s -> %s", e.Src, e.Dst) }

State Ltd. Nanchang

Lucas (Top Coder) lucastantop

WorkOS Sunnyvale, USA

Guanze Liu hanabi7
i am experienced at digital human related tasks, including face blendshape estimation(expression estimation), body / hand pose estimation (2d/3d).

the college of software BeiHang University