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CS Student

Mugla, Turkey

Emin Şahin Oğuz Vurgun Mektepli Sahin-Mektepli
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Computer Science student.
Ümit Umit-Yilmaz
Software Engineering Student | Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast


Haydar KÜLEKCİ hkulekci
Senior Software Engineer

motivolog & reformo Ankara, Ex-İstanbul, Turkey

Muhammet Ali YILDIZ mtech00
Computer Engineering student . All Repositories are just a scratch , due to this reason there is a lot of misconception
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Civan BOZAN cbozan
More than what to do, it's how to do it.

PiA (People in Action)

Vedat Türkkal VedatTurkkal
IT (Information Systems and Technologies)
Ali Baki TÜRKÖZ AliBaki-Turkoz
Graduated from Yeditepe University Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Özyeğin University Computer Engineering Graduate Student.

Çizgi Teknoloji

Muhammet Fatih Aktug MuhammetFatihAktug
Software Engineer | Focused on Backend, AI Technologies

Creative Solutions İstanbul

Hüseyin Ahmetoğlu HuseyinAhmetoglu
Senior Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer | Data Science | Machine Learning | AI Security | Java, Pyhton | CE-BSc, EEE-MSc, SwE-PhDc


Aykut AKTAŞ bierquelle06
.Net Architect (C#)

Adesso Turkey Ankara

Adam Won anaconda-test
Master Student at @eth

@tobbetu Zurich

Neslihan Cesur neslihancesurr
Master's student in Artificial Intelligence

TÜBİTAK İstanbul, Turkey

Berkay bersoy12
Chatbot Developer

CBOT Istanbul

AI Engineer@Kyndryl. Bsc Math graduate from Bogazici Uni, #1 state univ of Turkey. Adversarial AI/ML, Robust AI, MLOps, LLMs, Quantum ML

Kyndryl (a spin-off of IBM)

Tevfik O. ÖRMECİOĞLU tevfikoguz
Senior Civil Engineer, interested in C++, Python,Matlab/Simulink, Assembly, CUDA.

SOAD Software Antalya, Turkey

ALPER AYDIN alperaydyn

Garanti BBVA Istanbul

Hasan Ali ÖZKAN hasanaliozkan-dev
Research Assistant at MSKU | Co-Founder at Virtus Arge Software


Emre Barack Sokullu esokullu

United States of America

Mustafa ERDOĞMUŞ mustafaerdogmus
software developper


ihpar ihpar

Bolu / Türkiye

Ranjan Dailata ranjancse26
Enterprise Architect. Work with the CEO and solve highly challenging and complex problems.

Aezion Mysore