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Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Bioinformatician Python, RUST, Bash, SQL, SLURM, PyTorch, Tensorflow, XGBoost, Scikit-learn.


Matthias Zepper MatthiasZepper
Computational biologist experienced in analyzing massive parallel sequencing data. Leveraging software for life science @NationalGenomicsInfrastructure

@SciLifeLab Stockholm

Nguyen Thanh Nguyen (Andy) ntnguyencse
A DevSecOps, Software Engineer, Tech Enthusiast wants to explore the tech world.

@juyoutech Ho Chi Minh

Florian Kreß proKress
Professional and passionate architect and engineer with in-depth expertise in DevOps, Cloud and Infrastructure across various cloud service providers

adesso SE Mannheim, Germany

SandBox secureness
Keep your system safe in The sandbox??
Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Diogo Miyake Miyake-Diogo
Technical Data & AI Specialist - Leraning Cybersecurity, Rust and Go to improve AI and Data products.


Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Kinzi Roze LetsGetKinKi
I’m Kinzi Roze! Keep Up w Me! I Keep it KinKy!

Kinzi Roze Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Michael Salaverry barakplasma
Senior Fullstack Web Developer.

QurisAI Tel Aviv, Israel

Vaibhav Mule vaibhavmule
Full-Stack Developer.

@Polymerize Pune

wid widnyana
{Cloud Infrastructure, Software, System} Engineer

@damarseta @redite Indonesia

K3rn3l Panic AnkurYogi
Security Engineer & a novice researcher :) Focused on Advanced DNS evasion, malware reversing, and detection techniques.

isecurenet Mumbai

Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Sharique AKBARE shariqueakbare
I’m an engineer with keen interest in Open Source technologies, System, Networking, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and Automation
Per Sai SaiTech

SaiTech Sweden

Mohammed Maali brohamgoham
I luv 💗 Cryptography 🔐

Fireblocks NewYork

Rizky ian indiarto rizkyian78
I'm a Jakarta-based software engineer who specializes in building exceptional digital experiences and Financial Technology.

Bank Neo Commerce Home

R Gilgahex
Biophysicist turned hardware/software developer :::::::; Fascinated by Cybernetics, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, Music, AI/ML

Santa Barbara

Regev Golan look4regev
+10 years software engineer. Leader of dev teams. Making Web Services, Infrastructure, DevOps, Big Data, Cloud and whatever it takes to get the job done

@CheckPointSW Tel Aviv, Israel

Ivan Strbac strbac17
Security engineer @CheckPointSW Serbia

Ayhan Kaplan kaplanan
Software Development Engineer

Freelance Germany

Christian Gubesch gubesch
Network and Cyber Security Engineer, who likes to code from time to time. I like Go, TypeScript, Python, C# and so on.

Cyber Security Academy Austria

agund agund

Germany Berlin