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Nate Ehat nehat312
Biostatistician / Data Scientist focused on Cardiovascular Medicine

Washington DC

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Garrett Gerdsen ggerdsen
I attended the Turing School of Software & Design, where I became proficient in implementing test driven development and OOP to create backend web applications.

Colorado, US

David Abigt avatar42
Most of the public repos here are to support one of my hobbies or made while I was learning something. Unless noted do not assume any repo is an ongoing project

RMRR Leander, TX United States

Brandon Graves brandongraves08
Automate all things until the machines take over
JOSH Sekuirity
Sekuirity - JOSH 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

Freelancer Hyderabad

Jürgen Weigert jnweiger
Software here. For some hardware see Nermberch

Paul Crouch xenoeng
Human. Just.

UK, Earth

Aspen Mayer aspenmayer
a person on the internet


K L Bhanu klbm9999

@granularai Hyderabad

Mazufa Mazufa
I'm into cryptocurrency mining and I'm also very interested in computer science and artificial intelligence. I was born in 1992 in Finland in 1992.


Lee Simpson harveysimpsondata
Data Engineer that is interested in Knowledge Graphs
jusko jusko
Freelance full stack dev. Open source enthusiast.

Digital Management Technologies Ltd. South Africa

Josh Faust joshfaust
I build code for many things, Malware Dev/Research (red team stuff), non-profits that need some extra help, and anything else that gets me down a rabbit hole.
Jason jasona7
Cloud Solutions Architect, Fintech, HIPAA, DevSecOps, Compliance, Python, OpenAI API
Erik Jenks erikjenks

@get-bridge Hershey, PA

Trevor Morgan trevormorgan
Quantum Software Developer

Microsoft Seattle

zombiekanapa KanapaZombie
sound / design video / fx Poland

Natalia Díaz Rodríguez NataliaDiaz
Professor @dasci (Andalusian Data Science and Computational Intelligence Institute), University of Granada, Spain. Cofounder

University of Granada, Spain Granada, Spain

Andrews Cordolino Sobral andrewssobral
Head of AI at ActiveEon, Paris - France. Ph.D. on Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Computer Vision Specialist. Experienced C++ and Python Developer.

Activeeon Paris, France