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Asher Jingkong Chen AsherJingkongChen
I want a simple search engine :(


phial3 phial3
Software engineer, coding in C & Rust, Java. Expertise: Architecture design, Concurrent programming, Performance optimization and Cryptography

Princeton University Beijing · China

Vincent Lafouasse vincent-lafouasse
Graduate student in organic chemistry. some bits of codes I use and some mini-projects

ENS Paris-Saclay, École Polytechnique Paris-Saclay

@RandyMcMillan RandyMcMillan
Operations Specialist @usnavy E616FA7221A1613E5B99206297966C06 BB06757B

@bitcoincore-dev ₿:8333

Tyler Singletary devty
Music. Code. ML and AI. Sleep and the lack thereof.

@orchestrately Brooklyn, NY

Jarkko Saltiola jasalt
Bookmarking, testing and improving tools and services, mostly around web and databases and sometimes music and video production.

Freelancer Finland, Helsinki

Nathan nathanjhood

Barcelona, Spain

Mehdi | Salva the hollow salva-imm
Code Necromancer | Will become Omnipotent: )


h7x4 h7x4
@NixOS contributor, active in intervals

@Programvareverkstedet Norway

Juan Martin juanmartin
a r t & d e v

Buenos Aires

Pawan H M pawanmsr
Private. Unaffiliated. Personal Playground. Learning and Experimentation.
Fabian S. Klinke derKlinke
Audio Design student trying to solve some of his problems through coding. A psychologist might have been a good alternative.


Gwenn Le Bihan gwennlbh
Hey! I'm Gwenn. I make music, software and anything that is both creative & digital.

@inp-net Toulouse

Jonathan jonebarker
IT Guy, Code Explorer, Sound Designer, Composer, Musician.

New York

Pierre Cochard pchdev
waiting for synth_1 to finish...

Inria Emeraude Lyon, France

Noah Gude n-gude
Studying mechanical engineering informatics. #Rust🦀


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Don Albrecht dalbrecht
Passionate developer dedicated to creating useful data tools, platforms and products.

C65 LLC Chicago IL

Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Luke Sontrop bluesalt-labs

BlueSalt Labs Spokane, Washington

Ben Woodall benwoody
Last of the freelance hackers. Greatest sword fighter in the world.
Félix Girault felixgirault
Mainly focused on clean code, architecture, accessibility and the react/svelte ecosystems.

@empreinte-digitale Angers, France

Arnau Berenguer Jiménez NoOPeEKS
Software & Machine Learning Engineer @ Eurecat Technology Centre.

Eurecat Technology Centre Vic, Barcelona

TommyDarko TomasBlack
You can @mention other users and organisations to link them.
Innovating tech for all facets of life!~


İlkay Dinç ilkaydnc
Software Engineer

@coyotiv Turkey