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Esther Ugwueke estherUgwueke
Medical Image Analysis || Bioinformatics || Data Science || Machine Learning & AI
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Alejandra López Castro Alejandra-LozC
Physician interested in cognitive neuroscience, imagenology and neuroethics. Music and physics enthusiast. MD, MS, PhD student at INB-UNAM


Soodeh Moallemian SoodehMoallemian

Rutgers University United States

Parker Singleton singlesp

University of Pennsylvania

JUNYONG OhJunYoung21

South Korea,Seoul

Yifan Shuai Trico01
Biomedical Engineering Master Student @ JHU
Bradley Howlett bhowl

UW Neurological Surgery Seattle, WA


UESTC Chendu,Sichuan

Dezhi Jin (金德智) dzjin5678
CS & Brain

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing

PhD Graduate Student Neuroscience Graduate Group University of Pennsylvania

Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Singapore

DIANE WANG dianewyw
Coding for science.
Ting Qiu qtalwaysrun
PhD student @ McGill


Andrei Tamas Foldes andreifoldes
Postdoc at Oxford Internet Institute


Leon Martin leon-k-martin

Berlin Institute of Health at Charité University Medicine Berlin Berlin

Taylor Salo tsalo
I am a postdoctoral fellow at UPenn in the @PennLINC lab. I am interested in performing reproducible, transparent research with fMRI.

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Promit Moitra promitmoitra
Computational cognitive neuroscience|Complex systems. Present - PostDoc, Decision Lab, BSBE, IIT K. Ph.D. - IISER Mohali. PostDoc - IPR, Gandhinagar

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur India

Patrick A. McConnell PAmcconnell

University of California San Francisco San Francisco, CA

Sujas Bhardwaj, PhD SUJ4S
Data Science in Neuroimaging, Machine Learning, Functional Neuroimaging

Centre for Brain Research, Indian Institute of Sience (IISc), Bengaluru Bengaluru, India