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Talus TalusL
Media Engineer

ShenZhen China

Spring choushunn

Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing

EmiliΛnΦ eavcodes
Computer engineer, entrepreneur and professor. Software, hardware, firmware and engineering insights.

Desbravatech Brazil

Andrey Klimov anklimov
Making some investigations and development @ Smarthome and IoT Main job - telecommunications

Moscow, Russia



Karl Save slash3rmast3r Owner

Over The Cloud Italy

LucianZhong lucianzhong


ABR Kevin Narfyx
"segmentation fault !" I need more coffee.. | Student Python Openclassroom | system and network technician


豆沙 BeanPaste233

@terrariacn GuangXi China

Ulrik Boll Djurtoft ullebe1
MSc. Computer Science, Sr. IT Engineer at The LEGO Group

The LEGO Group Denmark

Adie Heirkal DhieHeirkal

DomainPact Inc. Jakarta

geektalked garinyang
Less, but better ~

samsung NJ,China

Jesús Rubio jesusprubio

@trebellar A Coruña

Gregory Hlavac GregoryHlavac

Freelance United States

Bendi Bendimester23
Look at thoose fancy badges.

SkyVillage Hungary

Zoey Zoey8
Talk is cheap, show me the code!

Soochow University Suzhou,China