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Abhay Gupta ab12gu
I am always looking forward to striking up a new conversation.

SIG 049-0241

Dipankar Chettri dipankarchettri
bugging and debugging

Tumkur, Karnataka, India.

Do Minh Anh dminhanh480
My university is Hanoi University 2 (HU2)

@sdta VN

Just for fun !
Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Sunoh Kim kimsunoh
SW Engineer. since 2016.07 like programming and talk for programming

Meissa Seoul

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kalyn kalyncoose
No rubber 🦆, I just go for a 🥾🏞️


Andrea Gilardi agila5
Tenure Track Assistant Professor (RTT) in Statistics

University of Milano - Bicocca Milano

Allen allenliule


Carlyon W. Tung Kowloongs
Chief Technology Officer

Asytumn Technology Co., Ltd. Chinan, China.

The Byte King nanayawosei
👋 Hello World! I'm a passionate GIS developer open to solving all kinds of Enterprise problems. 💡 🌐 Frontend Magic 🔙 Backend Mastery ⚙️ DevOps


Next.js Web Developer

@entagk Sohag Egypt

Lina Katherine likarod
GIS user & Front-End Developer. Studing the master of GIS data analysis.

Elliot Cloud Madrid, ES

Florian Katerndahl Florian-Katerndahl
Building little things because I want to!

Earth Observation Lab HU Berlin Berlin, DE

Cai Jing CaiJing-SH

@Autumn-Drunken-Pomelo Shanghai

DeeMills Simsaladoo
casting bio 3

SimsLab LA, CA

Chris... odds-get-evened
Romans 12:2 ✞ Defender of information. Value is soul!
Landy landygg

@Diang-Tech @Way-Cloud Portugal

Hugo Karlsson HuggeK
Computer Engineering student at LNU

Växjö, Sweden

Brendan Hall brendanphall
I bring 19 years of expertise in land use analysis and economic modeling, backed by education in computer science, spatial information, and GIS.

Portland, Maine

Diego Valcarce valcarcexyz
Free as in freedom

VP of Engineering @Innogando A Coruña

Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

jose 0joseDark
lover of science, biology and robotics, and programming is fun

Barreiro, Portugal

Abhee Chaudhary AbheeChaudhary
I am a UI/UX developer well versed in the topics to improve user experience.
JWokiri Wokiri
I CODE; JS=> Bundle dependencies with webpack. Python; GeoDjango! I gladly, freely share. I do GIS, Open Source. I love literature & listen to JFK speeches.

Konza Silicon Nairobi

sdyan yansudong
Deep Learning / Computer Vision
Danish Amin geoxpyder

Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi