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Living Data Metz

Luis rodriguezcappsec
🔐💻Application Security Engineer 💻 Software Developer 💻 Secure Code Review 🕸Web Exploitation 🔢Reverse Engineering hobbyist 🔢Electronics hobbyist

Application Security Engineer

Christoph Wanders chrswndrs
Tinkerer, Apprentice in the Skool of DevOps Wizardry.

Lemonsgate Mutterstadt, Germany

João Pedro Silva joaopedropsilva
Software engineering student & passionate about computer programming!

Smartbreeder S.A. São Paulo, Brazil

Pong PongPong
a NeoVim Lover!


samhuang ShineYellow
full stack developer


Open Source Construction OpnSrcConstruction
I am a free-software advocate, learning to build cool stuff with Comunity maintained tools. I use Ubuntu, Python, BASH-byobu, git, ssh, & many more community to


Ayrton ayr-ton
Python and DevOps

Belo Horizonte