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Rafael Monard rafmonard
42 Students, en lane avec le meilleur support du monde @CroustiProut : Rank 1 Orserk, Rank 1 Viego SOLO CARRY CANT CARRY THESE DOGS OIOIOI BAKA WAAAAAAAAAAAAA
EletrixTime eletrixtime

@ZenyxCloud France

SteveBloX SteveBloX
Hi :)

Toulouse, France

Mael ryzenixx
Développeur Fullstack 👋

@PapillonApp 73, France

Andy AndyReckt
Andy - A stupid coder from France Too lazy to actually code something

@ School In my bed

Sun ☀️ HappySunnySun
17 years old programmer
Tom Theret tom-theret
French high school students in the IT sector.


Anthony "LeWarpy" BILLON LeWarpy
weird dude who type like an dumb kid

@Almyria, formerly @DreamseeTelevision Bourges, France

Slysoks Slysoks
A French UX student from Rennes who loves Node.JS

Lycée Joliot Curie Rennes

Adloya Adloya
Creates software with the power of spaghetti code.
SimpleUser Awwze
"Computer Science explorer and future developer" - 🧠🚀 Also subscribe to my news channel about incoming games! 🕹️
Raphaël Tiphonet Raphitpt
Développeur web et étudiant. J'aime partager ma passion et mes projets


@tinad19tin sur Discord


Ναλω okayhappex
Lycéen. Je sais écrire des lignes de code et photographier des endroits

@1nserv France

Lukas ZPDBLukas
from the bottom to the bottom

@ZooParc-de-Beauval France

Clément Clmnnt
Contributor of @PapillonApp 🦋


Alexandre VARGAS alexandre-vl
CEO at @readycook CEO @Vynter-bot Co-Founder @DevoLab-web

Freelancer - Available 🟢 Vynter House 🏡

Vilerio Vilerio

@PapillonApp @Dyme-bot @The-Rabbit-Team France

Mizu Rexxt

@PapillonApp France

trobo trobonox
Developer and Tech-Enthusiast from Germany


Tryon tryon-dev
Salut !

VP of Strellastudio France

Elias Kirkwood Silloky
🎓 High school student. ⌨️ Coding Hobbyist. 🧪 Future Physicist (I hope 😇)


Rémy Godet godetremy
🎓 42 Students - 🦋 Developper at @PapillonApp

Angoulême, France

Azgar azgaresncf
Tinkering with computer programs is my daily routine.

@somedumbtools if you want random tools

Vince Linise ecnivtwelve
developer & designer @PapillonApp and on other projects too

@PapillonApp Rennes, France

Mikkel ALMONTE--RINGAUD Vexcited
Passionate about web development and obsessed with TypeScript.

IUT du Limousin, @LiterateInk, @inklang, @PapillonApp, @lpadder Limoges, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Yann Renard yannouuuu
@PapillonApp maintainer, Co-founder of @LiterateInk, 🏛️ University of Lille

@PapillonApp @LiterateInk @Namidaco @Yet-Another-Yannou-Build 59, France, Lille

Kenzo hellokenzo
Passionate about the design, the web design and the cybersecurity

Lyon, France

orionsource oriionn
Developpeur principalement Javascript et Web.


Armand Camponovo camarm-dev
🇫🇷 French developer and growing sysadmin. 🌱 I create open source projects since 2020.

@LabseStudio & @PapillonApp France

Johan johan-perso
Parfois j’code, parfois j’design.. et parfois ça rend bien
