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Steven Zou hzouSteven

Intel(China) Ltd. Shenzhen, PRC

Kapil Agrawal netops2devops
Network Security Engineer dabbling with code




Zehuan Li ClawSeven

AntGroup Shanghai

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Afe Notes afenotes
It's never too late!

Afe Tech Beijing China

Vahideh Alinouri vahide
Experienced Cloud Storage Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the cloud computing industry. Skilled in Ceph, Openstack, Gluster.

Etraveli Group Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden

Dylan d-bryan
Full Stack Engineer || Systems Engineer || Homelab Enthusiast

West Virginia

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ivan Kapranov koltiradw
Fuzzing enjoyer

Moscow, Russia

Deepak Rejath dEEpZoneD

Truminds Software Systems Gurugram

Marcel Mitsuto FS marcelmfs

@RealImpactAnalytics Brussels, Belgium

Beihao Zhou Beihao-Zhou
UWaterloo CS


Lei Peng penglei0

n-hop technologies Limited Shenzhen, China

Shaun Lin Fashaun
I'm what I read, what I eat , and what I listen to.

Moxa Taipei, Taiwan

Justin Malonson justin-malonson Suspended
Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Investor & Blockchain Architect.

@Lyfebloc-Network United States

李坚强 taohorse


Hi, I am GravelCZ

Czech Republic

Javier javiermateos
Estudiante de Ingenieria Informatica en la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Computer Engineering student at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Madrid, Spain